Over 20 years ago in 1999, Scrap Club Kingston commissioned a songwriting project to bring about environmental awareness into the millennium. Their message was: reuse, reduce, recycle. Julia E K Thomas, professional singer and songwriter worked with children who came to Scrap Club to create art and music. Their brilliant lyrics for the songs were woven into four tracks recorded at a professional studio and was released. It even had a feature in Time Out Magazine.

The track ‘Make The Whole World Smile’ features 5 children singing and there were live performances including Glastonbury (picture), Kingston Green Fayre, Big Green Gathering and in a Brockwell Park festival .

 Scrap Club founder Des Kay known as Professor Kayoss also featured and promoted the project with Scrap Club founder Bernadette Vallely together with Art4Space’s founders Julie Norburn and Dani Lees-Smith.


The track ‘Enviro-mental’ won 1st place in Songlink’s ‘Eco-Pop’ category!

Everybody’s going Enviro-mental!

This summer we’re running free Summer Scrap Club to mark this movement happening 23 years ago. The workshops are focusing on upcycling and environmental activities with zero waste , plus mindfulness, wellbeing and creativity to be included in all the workshops.
For children aged  5-16 year olds (children under the age of 8 to be accompanied by a parent/carer).
Sign up here please note 
we’re prioritising children who receive free school meals and/or have special education needs and disabilities.



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