Art in A Box

What is Art in a Box?

Art in a Box came as our solution to providing young people with the resources they need to grow their creativity whilst dealing with the struggles of lockdown. The box comes jam packed with all the materials, lesson plans and resources. We provide all the materials for classes including drawing, clay, mosaics, painting, sculpture, textiles, design and so much more. We also include fun lesson plans with easy to follow instructions, extension activities, illustrations and inspiring quotes, as well as exercises in mindfulness for every lesson. The box also comes with a membership scheme, online tutorials and a sharing platform!

The future for Art in a Box
Art in a Box is no longer a priority as Covid-19 restrictions have eased, but should they worsen in the future, Art4Space are working hard to gain more funding so that we can widen our reach to those most in need. If this is suitable for your community or workplace and you want to partnership with us on this scheme.

“Yes, the more I speak with parents, the clearer it is that they would benefit from Art boxes at home to support their mental health and well-being. The children find art so therapeutic and will spend extended periods of time focusing on colouring and drawing so any activities where the resources are provided would be great. I spoke with one child with Autism last week, who was talking about how much he loved painting and how he is relaxed but said that he didn’t have paint brushes so couldn’t use his paints … Lots of our children and families would love the art at home boxes as they just don’t have the resources themselves. ”
Assistant Headteacher, Lambeth

Each box is packed full of materials to run several lessons in each discipline such as drawing, clay, mosaic, painting, sculpture, textiles, collage, designing and so much more! They will last a long time and advice about ‘top up resources’ are given. ‘Art in a Box’ come with teaching cards including lesson plans, stretch and challenge, extension activities, wellbeing task, illustrations and inspiring quotes.

Current funders:

Youth Fund UK- 6 school boxes.

Arts Council – 4 school boxes, 5 group and 5 individual boxes

Lambeth Community Fund – 25 individual boxes

Lambeth Match Fund – 25 individual boxes

National Lottery Community Fund – 25 Individual boxes, 10 group boxes

Sir Walter Fund – 10 individual boxes

Social Enterprise Fund – 50 individual boxes

Children in Need – 12 individual boxes

NBC Universal – 12 individual boxes

Julie , managing director of Art4Space says: “In these unprecedented times ‘Art in a Box’ gives space for arts to have a meaningful place to create, connect and inspire” and Eli Seath, business director says “we have worked hard to establish a solution for good quality art provision when all resources are stretched beyond imagination and we know through our 20 year experience how powerful the arts is to comfort unease”

A teacher from a local school says: “We cannot wait to receive our box because materials are scarce at the moment in our school and shortage of teachers which means we are planning on our feet as new emergencies emerge. ‘Art in a Box’ will help children find creativity and calm during these unsettling times. Thanks so much Art4Space for initiating this idea!”

Contact Managing Director Julie Norburn; / 07816 386270 if your business wants to help!


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