Following on from Leah’s post about our recycled art pieces, we are now half way through our commission for NBC Universal. The design reflects on the state of our oceans and the plastic waste we produce, in the form of the Universal logo.

Using the CDs, DVDs and their plastic cases, we have been creating a galaxy of ghostly fish spiralling around the planet which sits in the centre. We’re using the mirror shine of the discs to create the sparkle of the school of fish, as well as the sparkle of a starry galaxy sky. The planet will be the brightest part of the piece, suggesting city lights which both twinkle beautifully, and remind us of the light pollution we create. 

It’s made me reflect on where art sits in the ecological debate and how we can use art as a platform for change. Here at Art4Space we use art to impact social change, but can we also reflect on ecology, and open conversation and debate around human impact on the planet? In my own practice, I’m interested in using natural materials to create artworks, which offers me regular moments to engage closely with plants and my surrounding landscape. How does using plastic and waste products as art materials effect change? Could it help us consider ways in which we consume and how much we waste? 

Here at the Art4Space studio, we are now recycling our clay to reuse any offcuts, and we have invested in our own compost bin to try to minimise some of our waste.

What other ways can we use art to work towards a healthier future for our planet? Ideas welcome!


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