We catch up with our Workshop Facilitator, Fran.

How do your days usually start?
I start my day with a cup of tea in bed. This gives me the necessary time to psyche myself up for the hour of yoga/circuit training that follows! I do this six times a week which turns Sunday into the very welcomed day of rest that it is 🙂

Do you have a personal tip for keeping well during lockdown?
Anything that facilitates the release of the happy hormones in our brain. It can be as simple as dedicating some time to stroking my cat to reading something that interests me or going for a walk in my local woods.

Is there anything you have discovered that you would like to recommend?
My partner and I have commitment issues with box sets, but following several friends recommendations we watched all of the Schitts Creek episodes this lockdown and they gave us a really good daily dose of laughter.

I also discovered the work of Craftivist Claire Wellesley-Smith and really enjoyed reading about her community in her recent book Resilient Stitch which in turn inspired me to read a great little book How To Be a Craftivist by Sarah Corbett.

What is your favourite home lockdown lunch?
I found myself eating a lot of eggs during lockdown!  They are easy to cook and pretty filling, my favourite is a scrambled egg recipe taken from Beder’s Kitchen (a lovely charity set up to raise awareness around mental health and suicide prevention) and it includes, tomatoes, red peppers, onion, chili flakes and a pinch of saffron. It is really good on toast with some feta crumbled on top.

Are you working on any creative projects?
My sewing fingers have been kept nimble with various personal creative projects. My favourite is a patchwork quilt which will be embroidered with funny quotes taken from my children during their first ten years.

How do you have a “break” or relax in lockdown?
My weekly relaxation ritual is a candle lit bath with Epsom salts and early bed with a guided meditation.

Who would you give a shout out to and why?
My shout out goes to the Isha Yoga Foundation and Sadhguru for all the wonderful work they do and inspiring free materials provided on their website; daily yoga meditation practices, inspiring projects and enlightening talks.



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