Lockdown catch up with Julie

Lockdown catch up with Julie

We catch up at home with Julie, the co-founder and managing director at Art4Space. Being one of the Art4Space founders – what do you love about Art4Space? One of the most compelling things about my work is the people I meet and work alongside. Creative value is...
We’re closing the studio again

We’re closing the studio again

In light of the government’s announcement on Monday 4th January, it is with regret that Art4Space will temporarily close our doors for a minimum of six weeks. We are hoping to re-open after half-term from 22nd February as we have lots of amazing courses, workshops and...
Yes, we’re open

Yes, we’re open

Art4Space are open during this second lockdown. We have done everything we can to ensure our Centre is Covid19 secure and we are lucky to have a large space where we can respect social distancing guidelines. We have reduced the numbers for some of our services to...
We are updating our Green Policy!

We are updating our Green Policy!

Art4Space are pleased to announce some changes taking place and updates to our Green Policy. Lockdown gave us the chance to reflect and review our ways of working and our need for continuous steps towards conscious eco-wisdom. Based on this we are joining the...


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